On the track with a helmet on and my fairly loud car I can't count on my ears and can't take the time to locate and read the stock tach and have been doing a lot of rev limiter hits, not good for lap times. There is a device at the track office, don't remember the brand, that has two white lights, 1 yellow and then one red (I believe). Works quite well as the LEDs are bright but it would be better positioned in front of me as opposed to the side I think. I have them come on at my preferred shifting RPM. It hooks to the OBDII port and has two bright LEDs that can be programmed to come on based on any of the parameters it can read. Personally I have a small 52mm gauge on the A pillar. Maybe on the steering column cowl like RRM has done?

The challenge would be where best to mount it. I would think your guys should be able to hook one up for you. It does sound like you would be happier with a dedicated tach with a programmable shift light.